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Heinz Rambousek - A Tribute

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Tuesday 28th April, 2020 | Author: Secretariat | Filed under: ABI Member only

Heinz Rambousek - A Tribute

The board of IKD member organisation - Österreichischer Detektiv-Verband

Mag. Andreas Schweitzer, President

Udo Muchitsch Vice President

Peter Lang, Financial officer

Helga and Herbert Mnich, Honorary Presidents

Dear Colleagues,

On the morning of April 22, our Honorary President, colleague and friend, Councilor Heinz Rambousek passed away after three years of severe suffering.

When I, as a word painter, now put the first brushstrokes on the canvas to describe what he was for our industry and generally as a person, I realize that this can only be very imperfect in the beginning. The colors that I press from my tubes onto the palette are not sufficient and far too pale to produce a picture that even comes close to the colorful reality. The physical colour spectrum knows seven visible main colours. The invisible are almost infinite. It's different with Heinz - the visible colourfulness of his humanity is infinite.

Initially outlined, Heinz was active on the board of the ÖDV for 24 years. He was a member of the association for 62 years. A whole life, so to speak. That Heinz was also a leader and formative in the Chamber of Commerce is as well known as his international work in associations:

ÖDV - Austrian Detective Association
FSPD - Association of Swiss Private Detectives
IKD - International Commission of Detective Associations
WAD - World Association of Detectives
ABI - Association of British Investigators
ISIS - International Security and Investigation Service
IPI - Institute of Professional Investigators
ASIS - American Society for Industrial Security
CII - Council of International Investigators
GIN - Global Investigators Network
BDD - Federal Association of German Detectives


Golden badge of honor for services to the Republic of Austria
Silver Badge of Merit of the State of Vienna
Golden Badge of Merit of the State of Vienna

When a person like Heinz leaves earthly life, it is as if an entire library has burned down. You can no longer reach for the shelves and the wonderful books. It is no longer possible to draw rich knowledge from them or to laugh heartily as you read them. One can only happily remember that one could read in them and keep this capital of knowledge in memory and in the heart.

Heinz was one of my three teachers. It was one of three chain links that led me to where I am professionally today. If only one of these links had been broken, I would not have made it. But what the alloying adds to the hardened steel is the fact that Heinz took me under his wing, even though I was already known as a louse at the time. "I’ll take a look at that guy" was the quote that his colleague and cousin Gusti Valda had later given me. Only my parents still bring more patience for me and still smile. "Giving opportunities" was the motto ex cathedra.
It was the same in larger social structures. In the Chamber of Commerce he continually referred to Pokerl and me as "young lions" against any justified objection from other colleagues as "young lions", although from today's perspective we were only snotters. It was a living, no, living foundation of our industry and has not excluded anyone from the building that builds on it. It was a fertile field and one should actually name the best available humus that the science of soil culture has ever produced.

He deeply disliked the argument. When I look at Heinz's facial expression today, in the rare and worst case I only see a slightly inclined head with eyebrows drawn together, a "come on, that's not necessary!”. In contrast to this is his always warm smile, his irrepressible lust for beauty, his joy to approach people. In his appearance, the design rage of the friendly, the harmonic raged unimaginably.

The older you get, the more names and phone numbers are crossed out in the sleazy address book of life and it becomes a frightening hatch. But there are people that I never delete from my book. I also leave it in my smartphone. You should and must remain in my life. Heinz is one of those people who give yesterday a last refuge in the present.

On Monday, April 20, 2020, I held the smartphone countless times to call him again and inquire about his condition. Aware of his illness, I put the phone aside again and postponed it to the next day. This was repeated on Tuesday and I wanted to postpone it again to Wednesday.

Incredible cowardice in front of the suffering of a brave man. If I had succumbed to the weakness again, I would not have been able to hear his voice, because 24 hours later Heinz was no longer alive. You may or may not believe - it is me and that is why Heinz lives on. I still had the opportunity to hear his voice in the three minutes of the conversation. His voice was physically thinner but full of admirable humility - "I am in good hands" (cit.). My quickly listed greetings from international and national colleagues were repeatedly acknowledged by an honest "na des freut mi" and "na schau" or "des is liab". Only a small consolation regarding the farewell, because it was planned to hold a special table from our members, to toast and to send him a group picture with raised glasses in order to give him a little strength. It was no longer possible. Physical death is part of life, but I do not let death enter my consciousness. The physical downfall does not have the last word. Heinz's life is confirmation of this view.

Fiducit Heinz! Fiducit!


A burial under great supervision is currently not possible due to the legal provisions in connection with the Corona crisis. The funeral takes place in the closest family circle.


If you want to buy wreaths, please contact me so that I can either establish contact or (for example for foreign associations) organize a timely wreath procurement. I am requesting that the budget and loop text be sent. I will organize the rest and then send the invoice without surcharge.

Honorable follow-up event:

On the part of the family, after the corona restrictions have expired, a soul mass will be held and there is then the opportunity to bow again to Heinz.

In this context, I can fully agree with the Councilor Josef Schachermaier if he calls for as many (participation) as possible to take place. Regardless of any chamber or association membership. Heinz does not only deserves this, his commitment to us even obliges us to do so. Afterwards we should get together for a contemplative toast to Heinz.

There are so many wonderful anecdotes and experiences that have to be told with a "smile" and just on Monday a colleague wrote me a very wonderful story.


Georg "Schurl" Krasser

Secretariat Note:

Heinz was from 1986 to 2001 the Vice Secretary General to the IKD (to which the ABI has been a very active member since 1969).  He was very active in industry politics and senior members may remember him from his presence at ABI AGMs and of course his international leading activities on IKD matters.

