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Sapphire Investigations Bureau Ltd (F0723 (Life))

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Sapphire Investigations Bureau Ltd logo
Name: Mark Peachman
Mobile: 07868 432040
Fax: 01508 531682
Join date: April 1980
Membership number: F0723 (Life)


Offices 4 & 5, The Motorsport Hangar
Long Stratton
Norfolk NR15 2PD
United Kingdom
View in Google Maps

Services offered:

  • General investigations
  • Fraud investigations
  • Tracing & status reports
WHY TRUST US? LONGEVITY: 2023 will mark our 60th year in business as a limited company. Sapphire was incorporated in October 1963, by our founder the late Barrie Peachman, a Past President of ABI. EXPERIENCE: Sapphire's 2 operational directors, Mark & Paul Peachman (sons of the founder) are both longstanding and active Full ABI members. Paul's son Tom joined Sapphire in 2018. As the founder's wife Jean continues as a director, Sapphire is unique in our industry, as a 3rd generation family business. Between our directors and operatives, we can draw upon well over 100 years' experience in the investigation industry. There is NO substitute for experience. HIGH STANDARDS: As a company we are driven by a philosophy of ultimate service; a determination to "do it better than anyone else and always compete on an improved service basis". Despite our extensive experience and history, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our services. As our founder would say - "you're only as good as your last job says you are!" A PROVEN "SAFE PAIR OF HANDS": Don't take our word for it. See here: and scroll down to "Recommendations as received on LinkedIn." This is a small sample: "I have used Mark on numerous occasions, mostly for process serving; he has always provided an experienced excellent and totally reliable service. I have been kept in touch with the position throughout which, where there have been pressing time limits on service, has meant that I could keep anxious clients equally well informed. An all round recommendation" William Byrne – Barrister working for States of Jersey (previously of Mills & Reeve LLP) "I have used Mark's Firm and him personally for many years. Most usually it is for process serving or person locating. Always a prompt, efficient and friendly service and, at the same time, always professional. I would have no hesitation recommending him or Sapphire Investigations to others" Julian Steed – Solicitor of Mills & Reeve LLP "Mark has assisted my litigation team for many years with process serving and investigative work. He is utterly reliable, professional, good value for money and I unreservedly recommend him to others" John Scannell – Solicitor of Birketts LLP "I have exchanged investigation, tracing and process serving assignments with Mark and Paul Peachman of Sapphire Investigations Bureau for over 20 years and can, without any reservations whatsoever, recommend their services in Norwich and Norfolk to Solicitors and other Agents. They know their job supremely well and their Agency is in my opinion, a quality benchmark for others to respect" Vincent Johnson – Cambridge Detective Agency "I would have no hesitation in recommending Mark Peachman to my peers in the legal profession. I have used Mark and Sapphire Investigations Bureau Ltd ever since the commencement of my legal career, throughout which Mark's attention to detail, pragmatic and cost-effective approach have brought results, even on occasions where other enquiry agents have failed. Mark does not always pay lip service to those instructing him if there is a more effective way of achieving something Mark will consult prior to taking action often to the benefit of the end Client" Marcus Chapman – Solicitor Greene & Greene